Thursday, April 30, 2009

I got a Twitter

It's been a while, and I guess that either means my life is boring or I'm lazy. It's probably some combination of both, but reading about somebody's laziness and boring life is even worse, so I'll move on...

I'm in my last week of classes, and I only have two more left before finals, then I graduate next week. This would be much more exciting if I didn't have to go out and find a job in the worst economic climate since the great depression.

I joined Twitter about a month ago because it seems like it might eventually be useful, and I'm also interested in reading about ashton kutcher running errands and being cool. Although, it does get a little depressing when half of my status updates are something along the lines of "I'm doing nothing all day and nobody is reading this anyway."

One of the best parts about having an excess amount of free time -- besides being able to post a blog entry every other month -- is being able to find new music. I came across this song a couple nights ago and I've been obsessed with it since... I love everything about that song and video (especially "Oh the thing that you do, You make me go ooooooo" ...what a line). I bought Lollapalooza tickets about a month ago and the lineup came out last week. It was actually better than I was expecting (Arctic Monkeys and Snoop Dogg especially). Kings of Leon are headlining so I finally started listening to them, and they're fucking amazing. For whatever reason, if an indie band gets popular before I get a chance to really listen to them I kind of ignore them. I don't really know why, but I did that with KOL and now I'm trying to make up for lost time. I've pretty much been listening to them and Camera Obscura nonstop all week.

Also, I'm seeing Flight of the Conchords in Milwauke on Saturday night. That should be good.

Swine Flu:
I guess it's probably a big deal, but there's one thing about stories about disease outbreaks like this that keep me from putting on my little doctor mask and baracading myself in an air tight room... As of right now, 109 people in the U.S. have caught the disease -- not died from it, just had the disease, and a baby is the only person who's died so far. With that in mind, the regular flu - the one that happens every year - kills 36,000 people in the U.S. And thanks to a slow couple news weeks, the media is just going to town on this. I'm actually starting to miss all the look-how-bad-the-economy-is stories about lawyers who used to make $100 g's in a year working at Arby's and the-evil-corportations-taking-your-bailout-money-to-go-on-luxury-golf-outings-and-you-should-be-outraged stories.