Sunday, February 1, 2009

Myke writes.

The only thing I actually remember that I want to write about is the shitty url that I've gotten stuck with. I figured the "myke.blogspot" url would've been long gone, but I figured it would have at least been taken by some sophisticated -- possibly gay -- guy who changed his name from Mike and wanted to tell people about it and talk about his booming hair salon business. Instead, it's just some dude who enjoys reading Google News, and was not able to visit his accountant on April 9, 2002. But, I'd probably stop blogging too if such a life shattering rejection befell me. "MykeG" was also taken, but that one didn't have any entries, and is therefore much harder to make fun of.

The Super Bowl was tonight, and I went over to my grandma's house to watch it, which seems like a weird place to watch a football game, but they have a massive widescreen there, and I felt like hearing my uncle shout ridiculous statements like "Bill O'Reilly is 10 times smarter than Obama" when I was trying to watch the game so all in all it was a good night.

Thanks for reading.

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