Tuesday, May 5, 2009

I wrote a long paper and turned it in today.

I turned in the longest paper I've every written today - 14 pages - which really isn't that long considering that's what I went to school for the last two and a half years. It also marked the last writing assignment that I'll turn in as an undergrad, and possibly ever as a student. There's nothing bittersweet or slightly sad about this... this is great. Honestly, I hated writing in school. 99% of the shit I turned in was just thoughtless garbage thrown together last minute to get a good grade. I usually did the bare minimum, and I got decent grades doing it. I'm not proud of this; it's just the truth. That doesn't mean I didn't learn anything while I was in school - I learned a lot actually.

The only thing is, now that I'll be done with school in a couple days, I may not be required to write anything of substance for a long time, and that's a little troubling. This blog here is pretty much the only thing I'll probably write, and nobody reads this, so it doesn't matter how good or shitty my writing is. I could probably reach out and submit works to online journals and things like that, but I don't have motivation. I know you feel sorry for me, but that's not why I'm writing this. To take the narcissism up a notch, this is more for me to look back on and look at where my thoughts were at this point. Why not write this in a journal? I probably should have, but I just started writing and this is the direction it went. Deal with it fictionalized reader. On to more provocative and relevant things...

I made this my freshman year at Mizzou and pretty much forgot about it. It's an inside joke so you won't think this is funny unless you know the guy.

Also, I've only seen this show a couple times, but it's amazing. It's the guy who played Red in Pineapple Express, as an ex-major league baseball player working as a substitute gym teacher. Hilarity ensues. He also has an amazing Twitter page.

Speaking of Pineapple Express:
As a guy, who would you rather be than James Franco? That dude is suave and funny and not really that hateable. Seriously, what other actor in any other movie does a guy play a skeezy looking stoner and still come across as charming and likeable, and not at all in a Matthew McConaughey douche-like way? Franco pulls it off somehow, and I have to give him some credit.

P.S - I just used Google to spellcheck McConaughey's name. If God has some kind of tax write off system where he gives you time back for time you wasted in life doing pointless things, I better get those 10 seconds back.

Anyway, That usually is an interesting conversation starter - which by the way would be a good topic for a blog post. What person's life a) in history or b) still living, would you want to live if you had the chance? I think the second one has more layers to it since the person isn't dead yet and you can guess what the rest of the person's life will be like, but either one usually ends up turning into a good conversation. I haven't really thought this out all the way, but I usually go with Paul McCartney for b. The first one is way too difficult to come up with without giving it a lot of thought - which defeats the purpose of a conversation starter, but I usually just ask the person who I'm trying to killl time with and then tell him/her why hers is such a stupid choice.

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