Saturday, May 30, 2009

How to play the Godzilla theme song on your phone and other ways to waste your time (which you're probably into since you're reading this)

Here we go...

Bike riding:
I got a bike a couple days ago. You know, just to stay in shape, save some gas money, be eco friendly and whatnot... it all seemed so great. Until I rode to work today. The way there I was dodging these goddamn things the whole way, which was a good reminder that I don't have health insurance. Then, on the way home i ran over a pot hole and my bike pretty much imploded. Serves me right for Saving Money. Living better. So, I returned that shit shortly after my long walk home, and tomorrow I'll begin my search for a bike not sold by an evil big box corporation. Also, how big of a douche bag do you have to be to go on the Walmart website and write positive reviews of their products? It's not like they won't make money if you don't go on their site and hype up their poorly made crap for them.

This is the anti-Walmart in radio form. I just started listening to this and it's amazing. I listened to an hour long show about karaoke and a guy talk about the history of his farm in the middle of Wisconsin. If you have never listened to it, I highly recommend it. And as an added benefit, the shows aren't interrupted every five minutes by advertisements for Black Jack Gentlemens Club and Enzyte.

I'm not quite sure what this is, but it seems messed up and awesome. I heard a little about it on the aforementioned NPR, and it seems weird. From what the guy said, this group of Frenchmen started this around the turn of the 20th century and they basically tried to explore places by doing things like flipping a coin to determine which direction to turn on a given intersection. What this has to do with anything I don't know, but I figured I'd share it with the masses.

Family Blogs:
I'm a fan of the 'next blog' button that this site implements. It gives the viewer the chance to see blogs they would never see and learn things they may otherwise never know. Additionally, it gives me material to make fun of. I also realize that people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, but I honestly have a difficult time appreciating the concept of a blog dedicated soley to one's own family. It just seems masturbatory. It seems like emailing the family's grandma(s) would achieve the same function. It's not like your friends from work are going to waste their time looking at a picture of your kid petting a dog or reading about how your family went camping. It's already bad enough hearing about someone's kids when their talking to you -- even when you can tune them out and imagine how cool it would be to control Monster Island like the weird Japanese alien people in Destroy All Monsters.
P.S. - A while ago I realized that when you dial the 1-312 are code for Chicago, it sounds like the first four notes of the Godzilla theme song

Music Video:
This isn't a new song, but it fits with the Godzilla theme. I file that under the "could have have been a much better video" category, but it's still alright, and that song is really good. Tokyo Police Club is an underrated band, but they were on Desperate Housewives for some reason, so I guess they deserve their lack of respect... if that makes sense.

The hardest job:
I didn't really know how to title this little section here, but at work today I came up with the two professions that consistently do the best work, despite having the shittiest things to work with: gravediggers and the guys who make movie previews. The first one is pretty obvious. You are instantly weird and creepy if you make your living burying corpses, there is absolutely no arguing this. But how many times do hear about a poorly dug grave? The second one I realized when I somehow laughed while watching the preview for that Land of the Lost movie with Will Ferrell (which will not live up to the poorly made mid-90s saturday morning tv series). There's no way that movie is funny... not a chance. In fact, I'm almost positive Will Ferrell is just making the same movie over and over with slightly different backdrops and people have just not realized it yet. But somehow, that preview guy found some part of that movie that made me laugh, and for just a second I though to myself: "Hey that looks pretty funny. Maybe I'll go see that."


  1. Your link on in the Psychogeography points to the Walmart bike

  2. Link is fixed, and here's a new one for you in case you encounter this problem again:
